AGILE 5250 ALLY Users Guide and ReferencePage B-10
Command: Set Horizontal Format (SHF)
Format: 2B C1 nn hh
Printers: 3812, 4214, 5219, 5224, 5225, 5256
Action: Sets the horizontal Maximum Print Position (MPP) to the
value of the hh parameter.
If the hh parameter is 00h, or if the hh parameter is
omitted, the default value for MPP is calculated as 13.2
inches x the current CPI setting.
For the 3812, setting the hh parameter to 01h also sets
MPP to the default value.
For the 3812 and 5219, activates auto new line function.
For all others, auto new line is always active.
If the current print position is = MPP+1 when auto new
line is active, a new line sequence is automatically
275EMUL: The hh parameter is used as Maximum Print Position
(MPP). Auto line ending is always active.
Command: Set Vertical Format (SVF)
Format: 2B C2 nn vv
Printers: 3812, 4214, 5219, 5224, 5225, 5256
Action: Sets the vertical Maximum Print Line (MPL) to the value
of the vv parameter.
Occurrence of the command sets the current print line to
the top of the form (line one).
If the vv parameter is 00h, or if the vv parameter is
omitted, MPL is set to the default value of 66.
On the 3812 and 5219, this command activates the auto
new page function. On all others, auto new page is
always active.
275EMUL: No operation.