Command: Set Text Orientation (STO)
Format: 2B D3 nn F6 caca lala
Printers: 3812
Action: This command is used to specify character and line
rotation for subsequent text.
The caca parameter specifies character rotation angle
and is not supported on the 3812.
The lala parameter specifies the text line rotation angle.
Valid values are: 0000h (normal portrait), 2D00h
(landscape left), 5A00h (upside-down portrait), 8700h
(landscape right), FFFEh (Computer Output Reduction)
and FFFFh (default orientation based upon page size).
IBMEMUL: Same as the 3812.
The 5250 ALLY performs orientation selection in the
same way as the IBM 3812, with two exceptions. The
5250 ALLY allows system-specified orientation with the
STO command to be overridden with Option 54
The 3812 does not allow the automatic orientation
selection of COR if the pq (print quality) parameter in
the Page Presentation Media (PPM) command is set to
01h (data processing quality). The 5250 ALLY does not
enforce this limitation.
One of the two PFSs, 0A PORT or 0B LAND, is
sent to the target printer at the beginning of each page.
PFS 0B LAND is sent for either landscape or COR
275EMUL: No operation.