I-Data 5250 ALLY Power Supply User Manual

IBM The worlds largest manufacturer of
computing equipment.
IBM 35 Hex transparency A standard form of transparency used in
SCS data streams.
IFS Interchange file separator.
IGS Interchange group separator.
Initialization To preset to proper starting values.
Input The introduction of data from an input
device to the computers main memory.
Input device A unit used to enter data.
Interchange separator A command used to delimit information
strings in SCS data streams (IFS, IGS,
Interface The method by which different types of
devices are linked to each other for
communication (e.g., parallel, twinax).
Invalid character In hexadecimal, any character other
than numerals 0-9 and letters A-F.
IR Intervention required.
IRS Interchange record separator.
IUS Interchange unit separator.
Least significant digit The digit representing the least value
(e.g., in 1024, the 4 is the least
Left margin The number of the first column at
which a character can be printed on a
LF Line feed.
Line density Vertical spacing, or the number of lines
per inch that can be printed on a page.
Line Feed A control code that advances the print
position down by one line.