Inter-Tel CS-5400 Server User Manual

Page 323
Voice Processing Prompts
CS-5200/5400 ADMINISTRATOR GUIDE, ISSUE 1.1 August 2005
212 turned on to call your pager at... N/A
213 ...with all new messages. N/A
214 ...with all priority messages. N/A
215 ...starting at... N/A
216 ...ending at... N/A
217 For mailbox and group list maintenance, press
For mailbox and group list maintenance, say
“Mailbox Maintenance” or press two.
218 To send a message to all subscribers, press
To send a message to all subscribers, say
“Broadcast Message” or press one.
219 To make a custom recording, press one. To make a custom recording, say “Custom” or
press one.
220 To select a custom recording, press two. To select a custom recording, say “Select” or
press two.
221 Not Used Not Used
222 Please enter the recording number. N/A
223 After the tone, please record. Then press
224 Recording saved. N/A
225 To continue recording, press pound. To continue recording, say “Continue” or press
226 Not Used Not Used
227 You have no saved messages. N/A
228 To spell the first name, press five. To search by first name, say “First” or press
229 To spell the last name, press five. To search by last name, say “Last” or press
230 Using the keys on your telephone, please spell
the first name of the person. Then press
pound. For the letter Q, press seven. For the
letter Z, press nine.
Please say the first name of the person you
are trying to reach. Otherwise, using the keys
on your telephone, please spell the first name
of the person, then press pound. For the letter
Q, press seven. For the letter Z, press nine.
Table 43. Voice Prompts: Non-ASR and ASR (Continued)