1-110 August 9, 2005
ERROR CODE E1149 Cannot open setting data, so cannot set to shipment state.
When “2: Setting to shipment state” is selected from the initialization screen, a data file
in the setting file (ini_load.cmd) in the 1KA board memory could not be opened.
Ensure the proper setting file
is loaded into the 1KA board memory
ERROR CODE E1150 Cannot read setting data, so cannot set to shipment state.
When “2: Setting to shipment state” is selected from the initialization screen, a data file
in the setting file (ini_load.cmd) in the 1KA board memory could not be decoded.
Ensure the proper setting file
is loaded into the 1KA board memory
If the proper setting file (ini_load.cmd) is loaded replace the 1KA board.
ERROR CODE E1151 Too much data for setting to the shipment state.
When “2: Setting to shipment state” is selected from the initialization screen, more than
10 data files are in the setting file (ini_load.cmd) in the 1KA board memory.
Ensure 10 or less data files are in the setting file
loaded into the 1KA
board memory
ERROR CODE E1152 Name of setting data for shipment state is too long.
When “2: Setting to shipment state” is selected from the initialization screen, the name
of a data file in the setting file (ini_load.cmd) in the 1KA board memory exceeds eight
characters, or the file extension exceeds four characters.
Ensure the file name and extension contains the proper number of characters.
ERROR CODE E1153 Power sequence board detects error. (Code=XX)
An error is detected by the 1KP board but the code (Code=XX) could not be interpreted
by the AS software.
Replace the 1KP board
If this error recurs after replacing the 1KP board contact KRI customer service.