Pacific Digital RI-310e Power Supply User Manual

Pacific Research Solutions RI-300e User Manual
Page 101
Parameter 3 = (CTCSS Select) Used to define the CTCSS encode and decode frequency. Select the tone
number from the following data table.
Data 1 = 67.0Hz 2 = 71.9Hz 3 = 74.4Hz 4 = 77.0Hz
5 = 79.7Hz 6 = 82.5Hz 7 = 85.4Hz 8 = 88.5Hz
9 = 91.5Hz 10 = 94.8Hz 11 = 97.4Hz 12 = 100.0Hz
13 = 103.5Hz 14 = 107.2Hz 15 = 110.9Hz 16 = 114.8Hz
17 = 118.8Hz 18 = 123.0Hz 19 = 127.3Hz 20 = 131.8Hz
21 = 136.5Hz 22 = 141.3Hz 23 = 146.2Hz 24 = 151.4Hz
25 = 156.7Hz 26 = 162.2Hz 27 = 167.9Hz 28 = 173.8Hz
29 = 179.9Hz 30 = 186.2Hz 31 = 192.8Hz 32 = 203.5Hz
33 = 210.7Hz 34 = 218.1Hz 35 = 225.7Hz 36 = 233.6Hz
37 = 241.8Hz 38 = 250.3Hz
Parameter 4 = (Transmit Power Select) Used to select the transmitter power level. One of three power
levels can be selected.
Data 0 = Low Power, 1 = High Power, 2 = Mid Power.
Parameter 5 = (Memory Recall) This function will recall memory channels that have been preprogrammed
into the radio. Entering a receive frequency with S-Command 962xxx will cause this
function to revert to a VFO mode.
Data 0 = VFO and 1 to 20 selects the available radio memory channel.
Parameter 6 = (Memory Save) This function is only available in some radios and will allow you to save a
current VFO and radio setup into a memory channel.
Data = 1 to 20 memory channel.
Parameter 7 = (Squelch Setting) This function is currently not implemented.
Data = 0 to 15 squelch value.
DEFAULT: Parameter 0 = All user outputs = 0 (Output low)
Parameter 1 = All radio functions = 0 (All function off)
Parameter 2 = Frequency = 000.00000MHz and #1 (Minus offset)
Parameter 3 = CTCSS = 1 (67.0Hz)
Parameter 4 = TX Power = 0 (Low Power)
Parameter 5 = Memory recall = 0 (VFO)
Parameter 6 = N/A (Not a saved or power up value)
Parameter 7 = Squelch = 0
EXAMPLE: 96 0 21 User Function output 2 = High
96 0 0 145 User Function output bits 1-8 will be set based on the binary value (10010001) or (91 Hex)
96 1 71 Radio Function, Power = On
96 2 14652#2 Set radio frequency to 146.52 MHz simplex
96 2 0006 Set the transmit frequency offset to 600KHz (Generic Data Radio only)
96 2 005 Set the transmit frequency offset to 5MHz (Generic Data Radio only)
96 2 #1 Change the TX to a minus offset
92 2 14694 Change the radio frequency to 146.94 MHz and keep the previous offset
92 3 12 Set the CTCSS to 100.0 Hz
92 4 1 Set the TX power to High
92 5 3 Select memory channel 3