Pacific Research Solutions RI-300e User Manual
Page 54
This command selects the encode mode for either CTCSS tone or DCS code. Mode 0 will turn off all encoding. Mode 1 will
encode the master tone at all times. Modes 2 through 7 regenerate tones ONLY when valid COS/CTCSS tones are decoded on
the receiver input. Mode 2 is the most commonly used mode. Mode 3, 5 and 7 can be used to cross encode (see S-Command
21). In all modes except mode 6 and 7, the controller stops encoding the tones ½ second before the PTT drops. Make sure you
have S-Command 02 in mode 1 (HPF - CTCSS filter on) when using this command in modes 1 through 7.
The following table shows how each encode mode and the features that mode represents.
Encode master
tone only
encode with
decoded tone
Encode with
master or cross
encode tone
Allow encode
tone to change
during transmit
Do not allow
encode tone to
change during
Encode only
when a tone is
being decoded
Mode 0
Mode 1
Mode 2
Mode 3
Mode 4
Mode 5
Mode 6
Mode 7
SYNTAX: 22 [Mode]
PARAMETERS: Mode 0 = Off: Tone encoder is off - no tone encode is allowed.
Mode 1 = Master tone ON all the time: Encode the master tone selected by S-Command 21 at all times.
Mode 2 = Regenerate with decoded tone, allow change: Encode the same tone that was decoded by S-
Command 20. This mode allows users to change decoded tones and will update the encoder.
(Most commonly used mode).
Mode 3 = Regenerate with master tone or cross encode, allow change: Encode with master tone or
cross encode depending on the cross encode mode of each decoded tone; see S-Command 21
(cross encoding). This mode allows users to change decoded tones and will update the encoder.
Mode 4 = Regenerate with decoded tone, priority user: The same as mode 2 but once a user tone is
decoded, the controller will not allow the encoder to change until the transmitter drops of the
air. This mode is used to lockout other users once a group starts using the repeater.
Mode 5 = Regenerate with master tone or cross encode, priority user: The same as mode 3 but once a
user tone is decoded, the controller will not allow the encoder to change until the transmitter
drops of the air. This mode is used to lockout other users once a group starts using the repeater.
Mode 6 = Regenerate with decoded tone, only when active: The same as mode 2 but the encoder will
only encode while a user tone is being decoded.
Mode 7 = Regenerate with master tone or cross encode, only when active: The same as mode 3 but
the encoder will only encode while a user tone is being decoded.
DEFAULT: Mode 2, Regenerate last decoded tone or code
EXAMPLE: 22 0 Turns CTCSS / DCS encode off
22 1 Enables CTCSS / DCS encode on at all times.