Pacific Research Solutions RI-300e User Manual
Page 126
Customizing User Commands
The following user commands are examples to get you started. Once you become more familiar with the DHE RBI-1 operation,
you are welcome make modifications to these commands or add some of your own. The following user commands assume that
you are starting with the controllers default command set. If you already have added commands and/or macros, you may have
to adjust the storage location of the commands and/or macros. If you are not familiar with the user command programming
process, please review section 13 before starting. You may also want to review section 12, S-Command 96.
Link Courtesy Messages
Before we start building some commands, you may want to define some distinctive courtesy messages so that you know what
mode the link is in. For this example, we will be using the default single beep for link off mode, two beeps for link receive
mode and three beeps for link transmit mode.
On macro start line 70, add the following message (Two beep courtesy).
31 001 Start of CW message
31 039 TG1, Tone at 600 Hz
31 079 TG1, Level at 15
31 118 TG2, Off
31 279 Tone on for 70mS
31 315 Delay for 70mS
31 279 Tone on for 70mS
31 002 End of CW message
64 End of macro
On macro start line 75, add the following message (Three beep courtesy).
31 001 Start of CW message
31 039 TG1, Tone at 600 Hz
31 079 TG1, Level at 15
31 118 TG2, Off
31 279 Tone on for 70mS
31 315 Delay for 70mS
31 279 Tone on for 70mS
31 315 Delay for 70mS
31 279 Tone on for 70mS
31 002 End of CW message
64 End of macro
Link Off Command
This command will turn off the link radio, port input and reset the courtesy message. We will also include a speech message in
the command. Start by removing the old link user commands (“#0” and “*0”) in store position 12 and 13.
On user command store position 15, add the link off command. We will use “#00” as the command name.
62 015 0 1 080 #00 Command Number = 015, Type = standard, Group = 1, Start Line = 080, Name = “#00”
On macro start line 80, add the following S-Commands
35 2 0 0 Turn off auxiliary input #2
31 01 019 Set clock reset courtesy to one beep
31 03 019 Set clock not set courtesy to one beep
96 1 1 0 Turn off receiver
96 1 2 0 Turn off transmitter
96 1 7 0 Turn off radio
30 001 Start of message
30 008 Delay 1 second
30 336 “LINK”
30 402 “OFF”
30 002 End of message
64 End of macro