Pacific Research Solutions RI-300e User Manual
Page 7
This menu is used to send data to and get data from the controller. You may
also flash the program firmware to the controller. Any one of these functions
may take as long as 3 minutes to complete. Do not interrupt the process once
it is started. The repeater controller is allowed to be in use during the time
that you are sending data to or getting data from the repeater. These data
functions can be performed while the repeater is in use. You will also find a
modem connect sub window here. This connection may be used to
communicate to your controller via a modem.
This menu is used to adjust the repeater, squelch, auxiliary and frequency
functions. Each sub windows will have a "SEND" button you can use to send
only that window's data to the controller.
one Squelch
This menu is used to set up the CTCSS/DCS decode and encode function.
You can also find a CTCSS/DCS Air Time sub window. This window will display the airtime for each CTCSS/DCS decode,
including ones that you are not using. You must do a “Get Data From Controller” before air times will be correctly shown.
This menu is used to set up all types of user commands and allow the editing of macro data. See the following section for
details on macro editing.