Pacific Research Solutions RI-300e User Manual
Page 15
After unpacking and inspecting your RI-310 repeater controller, use the following steps to install the controller into the Vertex
VXR-5000 repeater.
1. Before starting, locate the serial number of your controller on the backside of the PC Board. It is important to make
note of this number in a safe place. This number can be used with S-Command 58 or 59 to remotely reset or re-
initialize the program.
2. Start by removing the four screws holding the top cover on the Vertex repeater.
3. Position the repeater with the antenna connector toward you and the heat sink to your right. The receiver unit is the
box closest to the “RX ANT” connector. The transmit unit is the box on the other left side far end of the chassis.
4. The RI-310 controller will replace the Vertex controller. Completely disconnect all cables going to the Vertex
controller. You may need to remove the Vertex controller from the chassis to get at some of the cables. When you are
finished with installing the RI-310 controller, you may leave the Vertex controller mounted in the rack, as there is
enough room for both controllers.
5. You will find some cables routed on the right side going toward the “ACC” and “LINE” connectors. Remove the
cable tie wraps from these cables.
6. In this bundle of cables, you will find a 13-conductor cable. Re-route this cable past the left side of the receiver.
7. You will not be using the "LINE" connector cables on the right side of the receiver unit. You can pull these cables
back to the “LINE” connector. We will also not be using the 12-conductor cable that is routed on the left side of the
receiver unit. You can also pull this cable back, bundle and tie these cables together and stow them.
8. Locate the 6-conductor LED cable. This cable has multi-colored wire. Plug this cable into the connector (J1013) on
the bottom of the RI-310 interface board. This cable has 6 conductors but the connector housing has 7 positions.
9. Find the 5-conductor cable that comes from the power supply unit. This cable has two red wires, two black wires, one
white wire and a 6-pin housing. Plug this cable into the connector (J1004) on the bottom of the RI-310 interface
10. Place the RI-310 in the slot between the receiver and the vertex controller. The MIC/PROG jack should be located on
the side closest to the power supply or RF power amp.
11. The mounting holes in the RI-310 should line up with the mounting tabs in the Vertex repeater. The RI-310 is held in
place by the two screws that are supplied. The bottom of the RI-310 circuit board should line up with a card edge
bracket in the bottom of the Vertex repeater.
12. Locate two cables that exit the right side of the transmitter unit. Plug the 8-conductor cable with one yellow wire into
the RI-310 controller connector labeled “TX-UNIT”. Then plug the 4-conductor cable with one shielded gray wire
into the RI-310 connector labeled “TX-MOD”.
13. You should find one last 5-conductor cable with one black wire on the right side of the transmit unit. Plug this cable
into the RI-310 connector labeled “REG-UNIT”.
14. From the left side of the receiver unit, you will find two cables. Locate the 10-conductor cable with one violet wire
and plug this cable into the RI-310 connector labeled “RX-UNIT”. Then plug the 2-conductor shielded cable into the
RI-310 connector labeled “RX-DET”.
15. Last, from the left side of the receiver unit, you will find a 13-conductor cable with one green wire coming from the
“ACC” connector. Plug this cable into the RI-310 connector labeled “ACC”.
16. Re-inspect all cables very carefully. Make sure that you do not have any incorrect connections. You should have
three cables that are not connected to anything.
17. All input and output audio levels have been preset for the Vertex repeater. However, the receiver and transmitter
audio levels will need some final adjustments before you are completely finished. See Section 7 for details on this
18. Adjust the potentiometer on the top of the VXR-5000 “TX UNIT” to mid position. This is the rough modulation level
for the DCS encode data.
19. Because the RI-310 controller may key up the repeater at any time. Make sure that you install a dummy load on the
“TX ANT” connector before you reconnect power to the repeater for testing.
20. If your repeater frequency was not programmed into the RI-310 at the factory, you will need to install the
programming cable into the RI-310’s “MIC/PROG” jack. Connect the other end to your PC.
21. Connect power the repeater and use your RI-300 programming software to set the RX and TX frequency of the
repeater, see VXR-5000 FREQUENCY SETUP later in this section.
22. Once you have the repeater on the air, you can follow the rest of the Vertex initialization procedure in this section.
This will enable the LEDs on the front panel of the repeater.
23. Before you are done, continue with the rest of this section set up the transmitter high and low power levels.
24. Although the audio levels are preset at the factory, you will need to make some final adjustments before installing your
repeater. See section 7 for detailed information on this subject