Content and Closed Captions
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Configuring People On Content
The People On Content™ option allows you to show yourself on top of content
that you are sharing. The effect is similar to a weather report on television.
For more information about using this feature, refer to the User’s Guide for
Polycom HDX Systems.
Setting Up the Room for People On Content
For the best results, follow these guidelines for People On Content:
• Use the Polycom Eagle Eye camera.
• Create a flat, consistent background color using a screen or matte-finish
paint in green or blue. Make sure that the background does not have
shadows or glare.
• Make sure that the background and the presenter are well lit. For example,
use a minimum of two 250 W halogen lights on the background and one
on the presenter.
• Experiment with different room arrangements, lighting, and
250 W
250 W
250 W
3 ft
Polycom HDX
System and
Eagle Eye