Polycom 14117800 Server User Manual

116 Configuring KIRK Wireless Server 600v3
14117800, Ed.2.6 Configuring DECT Radio (Secondary)
On the Radio page you define which radio ID the Master KWS600v3 and Sync Master has
to synchronize with.
1 Under
the Configuration menu, click DECT, and then click Radio.
Figure 57 Adm. Page: Configuration/DECT/Radio page
2 In the Master field, type the IP address of the Master KWS600v3.
3 In t
he Radio-Id field, type the radio ID number of the KWS600v3. The radio ID can be
a number between 1 and 255. See your site planner.
Note: I
t is advisable to make the IP address numbering of a Secondary KWS600v3
identical with the radio ID number of the unit in question, eg.:
IP address ID 3
IP address ID 4
IP address ID 5
4 In the Sy
nc-Source field, type the radio ID of the KWS600v3, you want to
synchronize on. See your site planner.
5 In the Alt-Sync-Sou
rce field, type the radio ID of the KWS600v3, you want to
synchronize on. See your site planner.
6 Clic
k OK.
7 Clic
k Reset (under Administration menu) to save your configuration.
The Secondary KWS600v3 is now configured.
Note: When c
onfiguring more KWS600v3 secondaries, it is possible to make a backup of
the configuration file of the first configured Secondary KWS600v3. This configuration file
can be used as input to configure the rest of the KWS600v3 secondaries. For more
information about making a backup of a configuration file, refer to “Updating
Configuration File” on page 178. For more information about configuring KWS600v3
secondaries using a backup configuration file of a
nother Secondary KWS600v3 as input,
refer to “” on page 117.