Polycom 14117800 Server User Manual

166 System Management
14117800, Ed.2.6
1 Under the Configuration menu, click General, and then click admin.
Figure 96 Adm. Page: Configuration/General/Admin/Change Password page
2 In the User name field, type a user name.
3 In t
he Password field, type a new password, then type the password again in the field
below to confirm it.
4 Clic
k OK to change the password.
10.1.2 Reading System Information
This page provides general system information.
1 Under
the Configuration menu, click General.
Figure 97 Adm. Page: Configuration/General/Info page
On the General/Info page you can read information about:
the used firmware, boot code and hardware
Serial number; Mac Address of the system
SNTP Server; from which IP address the s
ystem receives its time information