Polycom 14117800 Server User Manual

System Management 183
KIRK Wireless Server 600v3 Installation and Configuration Guide Resetting in TFTP Mode
You can also reset the KWS600v3 in TFTP mode (Trivial File Transfer Protocol). The TFTP
mode is used, if the KWS600v3 is to be updated through the GWLOAD program. For
more information about using the GWLOAD program, refer to “Using the GWLOAD
Program” on page 202.
1 Under
the Administration menu, click Reset, and then click TFTP.
Figure 119 Adm. Page: Administration/Reset/TFTP page
2 Click OK.
10.2 Using the ServiceTool
The ServiceTool is used for repeater programming and handset adjustment.
Note: Se
rviceTool is not used for adjustment of the 5020 Handset.
This section provides information about:
“” on page 183
“” on page 183
10.2.1 KIRK Repeater Programming
For information about repeater programming, refer to “Programming the KIRK Repeater
with the ServiceTool” on page 56.