Printronix LQH-HWTM Printer User Manual

Chapter 5 Introduction
Character Addresses
Both the ASCII and multinational character sets have hex values for each
character and symbol. The primary character set (ASCII characters) resides
at hex addresses ranging from 00 to 7F. The extended character set, which
contains the multinational characters, resides at hex addresses ranging from
80 to FF. Table 22 shows each multinational character substitution hex value
and the applicable ASCII hex values. To access the extended character set,
the IGP must be configured with the data bit 8 option enabled.
Making Character Substitutions
Multinational character sets are created by substituting the multinational
character values for the standard ASCII values. Each of the 12 multinational
character sets allows up to 16 character substitutions (located at 21, 22, 23,
24, 25, 26, 40, 5B, 5C, 5D, 5E, 60, 7B, 7C, 7D, and 7E hex). The most
common character substitutions specific to a particular country are provided
in each set and shown in Table 22.
For example, when the Danish character set is selected, calling character
address cell 5B (Æ) substitutes the Danish character residing at C6 from the
Multinational Character Set. When the Spanish character set is selected,
calling character address cell 7C(ñ) substitutes the Spanish character
residing at F1 from the Multinational Character Set. These substitutions are
automatically performed when a particular Multinational Character Set is
Table 22. Substitution Set Hex Values
Character Set Substitution Hex Value
U.S. ASCII 21 22 23 24 25 26 40 5B 5C 5D 5E 60 7B 7C 7D 7E
Danish C6 D8 C5 B0 E6 F8 E5
Dutch A3 80 81
English A3
Finnish A4 C4D6C5 E4F6E5FC
German A7 C4 D6 DC E4 F6 FC DF
Italian A7B0E983 F9E0F2E8EC
Norwegian A4 C9 C6 D8 C5 DC E9 E6 F8 E5 FC
Spanish 82 C3 D1 D5 A1 E3 F1 F5 BF
Swedish A4 C9C4D6C5DCE9E4F6E5FC
Turkish 84C7E785 86D6DC878889F6FC8A