
Chapter 2 Command Codes
Logo Mode, Create
Purpose Places the IGP in the Create Logo mode, where logos can be
defined using the appropriate dot placements.
Format (cc)LOGO;
logoname; VL; HL
row#; dot; dot1-dot2; dot
(cc) The Special Function Control Code.
LOGO The Logo command; enter LOGO.
Enter a maximum of 15 alphanumeric characters
for the name of the logo. (Refer to page 24 for a list
of allowable Logo Name characters.) All future
references to this logo (Delete Logo or Logo Call
commands) must use this name. If a logo is defined
with the same name as a logo already existing in
memory, the newly defined logo will replace the
existing logo.
Defines the vertical length of the logo grid in dot
rows; enter a value sufficient for the vertical size of
the logo, not exceeding 252. The dot rows are
vertically spaced 1/72-inch apart.
Defines the horizontal length of the logo grid in dot
columns; enter a value sufficient for the horizontal
size of the logo, not exceeding 240. On each row,
the dots are horizontally spaced 1/60-inch apart.
DISK Optional parameter to store the logo on the flash
memory. Enter DISK.
Identifies the row number for each row of dots in
the logo. Enter each row number on a separate
command line. Rows are numbered sequentially
from top to bottom.
Identifies a single dot position in the row. Enter
each dot number used. Dots are numbered
sequentially from left to right.
Identifies a series of dot positions within the row,
including dot1 on the left end and dot2 on the right
end. Enter the series of dot rows. Series of dot rows
can be combined with single dot positions in the
same command line.
END Terminates the Create Logo mode; enter END.