Purpose Places the IGP in the Create Form mode, where forms and form
elements can be defined using the appropriate commands.
Format (cc)CREATE; [/]
] [;DISK]
(cc) The Special Function Control Code.
CREATE The Create Form mode command; enter CREATE.
/ The optional debug character to check the program
line by line for incorrect parameters and print
boundaries using the current page size; enter the
slash symbol (/) to debug the program. No checks
are made until the completed program is sent to the
IGP for storage (when the form is executed by
printing the file with the IGP program). Then the
form name is entered into the directory, and the
program is evaluated. If errors are detected, the
program will print, line by line (including the error on
the line where the error occurs), followed by the
error-free sections of the form. Correct all errors
and delete the slash. Refer to “Solving Program
Errors” on page 248.
Defines the form name of the form being created.
The form name should be no more than 15
characters in length. Refer to page 24 for a list of
allowable form name characters. If a form is
created with the same name as a form already
existing in memory, the newly created form will
replace the existing form. All future reference to the
form (editing, executing, or deleting the form from
the directory) must be made using the assigned
The optional forms length parameter to specify the
maximum length of the form. (Form length cannot
exceed the physical length of the page). Specify the
form length in one of three ways:
a. Enter 0 to define a form of unspecified length.
The form will end after the longest element;
that is, the form length is automatically
controlled to contain all elements without extra
length beyond the longest element. This can
be used to eliminate wasted paper after
producing short forms.
b. Enter a value for the form length ranging from
1 through 65,535 to specify the forms length in
dot rows. (12 dot rows per line = 6 lpi spacing;
9 dot rows per line = 8 lpi spacing.)