Chapter 12 Exercising the System 207
■ “About Communicating With the System” on page 69
What to Do
1. Check for the presence of SunVTS packages. Type:
■ If SunVTS software is loaded, information about the packages is displayed.
■ If SunVTS software is not loaded, you see an error message for each missing
The pertinent packages are as follows.
2. (Solaris 8 only) Check for additional needed software.
This applies only if you intend to install and run SunVTS 5.1 software (or later
compatible versions) under the Solaris 8 operating system.
% pkginfo -l SUNWvts SUNWvtsx SUNWvtsmn
ERROR: information for "SUNWvts" was not found
ERROR: information for "SUNWvtsx" was not found
Package Description
SUNWvts SunVTS kernel, user interface, and 32-bit binary tests
SUNWvtsx SunVTS 64-bit binary tests and kernel
SUNWvtsmn SunVTS man pages