You can change the 3C359B NIC’s configuration settings
through a DOS Configuration and Diagnostic Program
provided on TokenDisk diskette 1 and on the TokenLink
Velocity XL CD.
This appendix provides configuration instructions.
Instructions for testing the NIC with the diagnostic
part of the DOS Configuration and Diagnostic Program
are located in Chapter 6, “Troubleshooting.”
Using the Configuration Program
Before running the DOS Configuration and Diagnostic
Program, perform a clean DOS boot from a DOS diskette
(or the hard drive’s DOS option, if provided) to ensure
that no memory managers or drivers are loaded. The
Configuration and Diagnostic Program does not run in
a DOS window called from another operating system.
To change the configuration option settings for the
3C359B NIC, follow these steps.
1 If you are using the 3.5-inch TokenDisk diskettes,
insert TokenDisk diskette 1 in the drive and make
that drive the active drive. For example, enter:
If you are using the TokenLink Velocity XL CD (in
Drive D for example), enter the following path:
2 Enter:
The DOS Diagnostic and Configuration Program screen
is displayed with the Test menu selected, as shown in
Figure 27.