3Com 3C359B Network Card User Manual

Installing a NetWare Server Driver 47
Each LOAD command must be entered on a separate,
single line.
Table 4 summarizes the Load parameters that can be used
with TLNKPODI.LAN. Detailed descriptions of the
parameters begin after the table.
SLOT=<value> Required if there is more than one
3C359B NIC installed in the server; you will be prompted to
supply a value if you do not enter one. This parameter
specifies the slot number for the NIC. The slot number is
automatically assigned by the PCI BIOS.
There are two ways you can supply a slot number for the NIC:
Enter a value when prompted by the server.
Manually find the slot number by loading the driver
as described later in this chapter in “Finding the Slot
Number Manually.”
Regardless of the method you choose, you must supply
a slot number for each 3C359B NIC installed in the server.
Once you have noted the slot number of each NIC, you can
include the LOAD and BIND commands in the server’s
AUTOEXEC.NCF file so the driver will be automatically
loaded when you start the SERVER program.
After a server driver has been loaded, you can view the
configuration of each driver (including LOAD command
Table 4 TLNKPODI.LAN Load Parameters
Parameter Units
SLOT= Decimal Value assigned
Sets the slot number prompts.
FRAME= Text TOKEN-RING Specifies the frame types supported
on the network.
Default = TOKEN-RING
NODE= Hex See detailed
description in
Overrides the default node ID.
Default = stored on board the NIC
NAME= Any N/A Sets the optional logical board name
(17 characters maximum).
Default = absent