Agilent Technologies 87130A Switch User Manual

4-62 Agilent 87130A Operating and Service Manual
Remote Operation
TRIGger:SEQuence:DELay <number>
This command allows the user to control the 24 V power supply recovery
time. Input values are limited to between 0 and 200 msec (200 msec is the
default setting). The GPIB command
TRIGger:SEQuence:DELay will allow
entry of a new power recovery time. Values outside the 0 to 200 msec range
will return an error.
Example Command TRIG:SEQ:DEL .15
This example assigns the value, 150 msec, to the TRIGger command.
Example Query TRIG:SEQ:DEL?
The query form returns the assigned number. For the example, it would
NOTE The default 200msec TRIG:SEQ:DEL value will be reset on instrument power
up or if the *RST command is issued.