Agilent 87130A Operating and Service Manual 4-7
Remote Operation
Programming Syntax
Character Program Data
Character program data is used to convey parameter information as alpha or
alphanumeric strings.
The :VERIFY function is specified to be ON for ALL channels.
Numeric Program Data
Some command headers require program data to be a number.
Example ROUTE:DELAY .03,(@101,103,105)
where the :DELAY function is specified to be 30 ms on channels 101, 103,
and 105.
Program Message
The program codes within a data message are executed after the program
message terminator is received. The terminator may be either an NL (New
Line) character, an EOI (End-Or-Identify) asserted, or a combination of the
two. All three ways are equivalent. Asserting EOI sets the GPIB EOI control
line low on the last byte of the data message. The NL character is an ASCII
linefeed (decimal 10).
Query Command Command headers immediately followed by a question mark (?) are queries.
Query commands are used to find out how the switch driver is currently
configured. After receiving a query, the switch driver interrogates the
requested function and places the answer in its output queue. The output
message remains in the queue until it is read or another command is issued.
When read, the message is transmitted across the bus to the designated
listener (typically a controller).
Example The query ROUTE:PATH:VALUE? <path name> places the value of the named
path in the output queue. In conjunction with this, the controller input
ENTER <device selector>;Values$
passes the value across the bus to the controller and places it in the BASIC
variable “Valu es$”.