Agilent 87130A Operating and Service Manual 4-17
Remote Operation
*OPC (Operation Complete)
*OPC (Operation Complete)
The *OPC and *OPC? commands are used to synchronize remote interface
software to internal module events.
• The *OPC (operation complete) command will cause the instrument to
set the operation complete bit in the Standard Event Status Register
when any switching operations that were in process at the time the
command was received have completed.
• *OPC is also used to signal the end of MEM:SAVE operation.
• *OPC? causes a 1 to be put into the output buffer when any switching
operations that were in process at the time the
*OPC? command was
received have completed.
If no switching operations were in process at the time the command was
sent, the response will be generated immediately. Hence
*OPC or *OPC?
should only be sent after an operation has been initiated.
Example Command OUTPUT 709;“*OPC”
Example Query The following sequence is correct, because the OPC command is sent after
the operation is initiated:
OUTPUT 709; “ROUT:CLOS (@1(1,3,5,7,9));*OPC?”
The following sequence is incorrect, because the OPC command is sent
before the operation is initiated:
*OPC?;ROUT:CLOSE (@1(1,3,5,7,9));