Agilent 87130A Operating and Service Manual 4-39
Remote Operation
• MEMory:DELete;
erases all data from CMOS RAM, by filling it with zeroes,
and then sets it to an initial state. That state is as follows:
❍ The power fail channel lists are empty (ROUT:PFA:CLOS and
❍ Sensing (VERIFY) is OFF for all devices.
❍ The ROUT:DRIVE:ON list has channels 0 through 30 on card 1 used
and all other channels unused.
❍ The WIDTH is set to 30 ms pulse width; DELAY is set to 20 ms for all
256 devices.
❍ The group names are defaulted to GROUP1, GROUP2, and so on
❍ The path VALues are defaulted to the path register number, 1–256.
❍ The GROUP and PATH registers are empty.
If you also wish to delete the EEROM data, this command should be
followed by a
MEM:SAVE command to copy this state to the EEROM.
This command does not affect the “last switch state” area in the RAM
image, even though there is a “last switch state” stored in the EEROM,
because the last state must always the match the actual last state of the
switches. Nor does it affect the model number and serial number.