4-20 Agilent 87130A Operating and Service Manual
Remote Operation
*STB (Status Byte)
*STB (Status Byte)
The *STB query returns the current value of the instrument’s status byte.
Refer to the table below for the definitions of the bits in the status byte.
Example Query OUTPUT 709;“*STB?”
ENTER 709;Value
Refer to the command STATus on page 4-60 for more information on the
OPERATION register and summary bit.
Table 4-5 Status Byte Bit Definitions
Bit Weight Name Condition
7 128 OPER 0 = no operation status events have occurred
1 = an operation status events has occurred
6 64 RQS/MSS 0 = instrument has no reason for service
1 = instrument is requesting service
5 32 ESR 0 = no event status events have occurred
1 = an enabled event status condition has occurred
4 16 MAV 0 = no output messages are ready
1 = an output message is ready
3 8 QUES 0 = no questionable conditions have occurred
1 = a questionable condition has occurred
2 4 ___
always 0
1 2 ___
always 0
0 1 ___
always 0