Command Function
lldp Enables LLDP globally on the switch
lldp holdtime-multiplier Configures the time-to-live (TTL) value sent in LLDP
lldp notification-interval Configures the allowed interval for sending SNMP
notifications about LLDP changes
lldp refresh-interval Configures the periodic transmit interval for LLDP
lldp reinit-delay Configures the delay before attempting to re-initialize after
LLDP ports are disabled or the link goes down
lldp tx-delay Configures a delay between the successive transmission of
advertisements initiated by a change in local LLDP MIB
lldp admin-status Enables LLDP transmit, receive, or transmit and receive
mode on the specified port
lldp notification Enables the transmission of SNMP trap notifications about
LLDP changes
lldp basic-tlv Configures an LLDP-enabled port to advertise the
management-ip-address management address for this device
lldp basic-tlv Configures an LLDP-enabled port to advertise its port
port-description description
lldp basic-tlv Configures an LLDP-enabled port to advertise its system
system-capabilities capabilities
lldp basic-tlv Configures an LLDP-enabled port to advertise the system
system-description description
lldp basic-tlv Configures an LLDP-enabled port to advertise its system
system-name name
lldp dot1-tlv Configures an LLDP-enabled port to advertise the supported
proto-ident* protocols
lldp dot1-tlv Configures an LLDP-enabled port to advertise port related
proto-vid* VLAN information
lldp dot1-tlv Configures an LLDP-enabled port to advertise its default
pvid* VLAN ID
Chapter 32: LLDP Commands
Link Layer Discovery Protocol (LLDP) is used to discover basic information about
neighboring devices on the local broadcast domain. LLDP is a Layer 2 protocol that
uses periodic broadcasts to advertise information about the sending device.
dvertised information is represented in Type Length Value (TLV) format according
to the IEEE 802.1ab standard, and can include details such as device identification,
capabilities and configuration settings. LLDP also defines how to store and maintain
information gathered about the neighboring network nodes it discovers.
Table 32-1 LLDP Commands
Mode Page
GC 32-2
GC 32-3
GC 32-3
GC 32-4
GC 32-5
GC 32-5
IC 32-6
IC 32-6
IC 32-7
IC 32-8
IC 32-8
IC 32-9
IC 32-9
IC 32-10
IC 32-10
IC 32-11