App. 1-5
• Selectors 5 and 6: Inter-digit pause
These selectors set the inter-digit pause in pulse dialing.
(Example: If "1," "2," and "3" are dialed when N is set by selectors 1 and 2.)
• Selector 7: Switching between pulse and tone dialing, by the function switch
This selector determines whether or not the dialing mode can be switched between the
pulse (DP) and tone (PB) dialing by using the function switch.
• Selector 8: Default dialing mode, pulse (DP) or tone (PB) dialing
This selector sets the default dialing mode (pulse dialing or tone dialing) which can be
changed by the function switch. If the user switches it with the function switch when
selector 7 is set to "0," the setting specified by this selector will also be switched
"1" "2" "3"
Inter-digit pause set by
selectors 5 and 6