Brother DCP-8080DN/8085DN Fax Machine User Manual

App. 1-12
Selectors 1 through 3: [Redial/Pause] button setting and 2nd dial tone detection
Selectors 4 through 6: Detection of 2nd dial tone
Upon detection of the 2nd dial tone for the time length specified by these selectors, the
machine starts dialing.
This setting is effective only when the 2nd dial tone detection function is activated by
selectors 1 through 3 (Setting 101, 110, or 111).
This function does not apply in those countries where no dial tone detection function is
Selector 7: No. of 2nd dial tone detection cycles
This selector sets the number of dial tone detection cycles required for starting dialing.
Selector 8: Allowable instantaneous interrupt during reception of 2nd dial tone
This selector sets the allowable instantaneous interrupt period that should be ignored
during reception of the 2nd dial tone.
1 2 3
0 0 0 No wait is inserted even if the [Redial/Pause] button is pressed.
0 0 1
0 1 0
0 1 1
1 0 0
If you press the [Redial/Pause] button during dialing, the machine will
insert wait as defined in the above table.
If the [Redial/Pause] button is pressed repeatedly, the machine inserts
the specified wait multiplied by the number of depressions. It applies
also in hook-up dialing.
1 0 1
1 1 0
1 1 1
When these selectors are set to "1, 0, 1":
Each time you press the [Redial/Pause] button in dialing, the machine
will wait for the 2nd dial tone to be sent via the communications line
regardless of pulse dialing or tone dialing.
When these selectors are set to "1, 1, 0":
If you press the [Redial/Pause] button in pulse dialing, the machine will
first wait for the 2nd dial tone to be sent via the communications line.
After that, pressing the [Redial/Pause] button will cause the machine to
insert a WAIT of 3.5 seconds. In tone dialing, the machine will insert a
WAIT of 3.5 seconds.
When these selectors are set to "1, 1, 1":
If you press the [Redial/Pause] button, the machine will first wait for the
2nd dial tone to be sent via the communications line regardless of pulse
dialing or tone dialing. After that, pressing the [Redial/Pause] button will
cause the machine to insert a wait of 3.5 seconds.
((In those countries where no dial tone detection function is supported,
setting these selectors to "1, 0, 1," "1, 1, 0," or "1, 1, 1" inserts a wait of
3.5 seconds.)