
RTR Utility Error Messages
%RTR-F-DUPJOUFIL, Duplicate RTR journal file found - remove duplicate file
Explanation: A duplicate RTR journal file has been found. This status may
be returned by the CREATE FACILITY and SHOW JOURNAL commands.
Probable cause:
System management error. A user has copied a journal file, or a disk
containing a journal file. RTR can now see both the original and the copy and
does not know which to use.
Corrective action, either:
(a) Check the log for the relevant filenames, and delete or move the duplicate
journal file, or
(b) Reissue the CREATE JOURNAL /SUPERSEDE command (in this case
any recovery information in the old journal is lost).
%RTR-E-DUPLPARTNAME, Duplicate partition name
Explanation: Duplicate partition argument.
%RTR-E-DUPLRMNAME, Duplicate rm partition name
Explanation: Duplicate partition argument.
%RTR-E-DUPNODNAM, Duplicate node name, [A]
Explanation: The node name list specified with the "/FRONTEND",
"/ROUTER" or "/BACKEND" qualifiers on an "CREATE FACILITY" command
contained the node name [A] more than once.
%RTR-E-EMPTYREQ, Request_info list is empty ...
Explanation: Empty list supplied to rtr_request_info.
%RTR-I-ENABMOD, [A] mode enabled
Explanation: Displays the name [A] of the mode that was enabled after
issuing a "SET MODE" command.
%RTR-E-ENODNANAM, DECnet definition required, but not found for node [A]
Explanation: A node name was specified in a context that required a
successful lookup for the DECnet address, but none was available. This can
occur when DECnet is explicitly specified through use of a node name prefix
("dna."), or when DECnet is the only enabled network transport. Check the
network node name database on the local node, and the network name server
%RTR-E-ENOIPNAM, IP definition required, but no host definition found for [A]
Explanation: A host name was specified in a context that required a
successful lookup for the IP address, but none was available. This can occur
when TCP is explicitly specified through use of a node name prefix ("tcp."), or
when IP networking is the only enabled network transport. Check the host
name database on the local node, and the network name server (DNS).
%RTR-F-ENOTRANSPORTS, No network transports available
Explanation: No network transport are available. Most likely cause is the
manipulation of the transport protocols allowed to RTR.
RTR Utility Error Messages D–5