Compaq AA-Q88CE-TE Network Router User Manual

STOP RTR . ................................................ 6–177
TRIM FACILITY ............................................ 6–179
A Creating Monitor Pictures
A.1 Interactive Definition of a Monitor Picture . ....................... A–2
A.2 Substitution Symbols . ........................................ A–3
A.3 Arithmetic Expressions and Operators ............................ A–3
B Server Shadowing and Recovery
B.1 Primary and Secondary Roles . . ................................ B–1
B.2 Automatic Features . . ........................................ B–1
B.2.1 Shadow Events . . ........................................ B–1
B.3 The RTR Journal System ...................................... B–2
B.4 Shadow Site Failure and Journaling ............................. B–3
B.4.1 Maximum Journal Size .................................... B–4
B.5 Standby for Shadows . ........................................ B–4
B.6 Performance ................................................ B–4
B.7 Shadows in Action . . . ........................................ B–5
B.8 Application Considerations .................................... B–5
B.9 Server States ............................................... B–6
B.10 Client States ............................................... B–8
B.11 Partition States ............................................. B–9
C XA Support
C.1 Introduction ................................................ C–1
C.1.1 MONITOR XA . . . ........................................ C–1
C.1.2 New Qualifier to CREATE FACILITY Command . . ............... C–1
C.1.3 Modified RTR API ........................................ C–2
C.1.4 RTR Open Channel ....................................... C–2
C.2 Microsoft DTC Support ....................................... C–2
D RTR Utility Error Messages
E RTR log messages
2–1 Local Configuration of each Node ............................. 2–2
2–2 Remote Setup from one Node ................................ 2–3
2–3 Reconfiguration Using Delete and Create Facility . ............... 2–5
2–4 Reconfiguration Using Extend Facility . . ....................... 2–7
2–5 Configuration of Callout Servers ............................. 2–8
A–1 Interactive Picture Definition ................................ A–2
A–2 Arithmetic Operators Examples .............................. A–4