Compaq AA-Q88CE-TE Network Router User Manual

RTR Monitoring
5.2 Standard Monitor Pictures
5.2.32 Monitor System
System Status at 10:27:51 Fri Apr 9 1999
node: NODEA
Resource OK Warning
Facility QUORUM states...... x
JOURNAL free space.......... x
Note: Additional detail
Link CONNECTS............... x about a resource can be
obtained by monitoring
Link traffic STALLS......... x the subsystem specified
in capital letters.
FLOW control credits........ x
For example, to get more
PARTITION states............ x information on links
CALL Msg outstanding.......... x
To modify threshold values,
Transaction QUEUES............ x edit the file SYSTEM.MON.
Transaction REJECTS........... x
Broadcast EVENT discards...... x
Displays the state of critical resources within the RTR environment. If a resource
has exceeded a predefined threshold, a warning indicator is displayed.
The default thresholds are as follows:
Quorum Warn if any roles are inquorate.
Journal Warn if journal free space is less than 30% of total.
Links Warn if any link is disconnected.
Stalls Warn if 10 second stalls are greater than 1% of all messages sent.
Flow Warn if the wait is more than one second for 10% of the total credit
Partition Warn if any of the partitions are not in one of the following states:
Standby, Active, Pri_act, or Sec_act.
Calls Warn if any messages have been pending for more than 30 seconds.
Queues Warn if the transaction queue cannot be emptied within 10 seconds.
Rejects Warn if the number of rejects (non-user) is greater than 5% of the total
transactions processed, or a reject (non-user) has occurred within the
last 30 minutes.
Events Warn if the number of discards is greater than 5% of the total events
Threshold values can be customized by editing the file SYSTEM.MON.
RTR Monitoring 5–19