Softing Linking Device –
Manual for Configuration, Installation and Maintenance
Linking Device FG-110 FF - Internal Web Server
V1.31 page 27 of 85 <Configuration><Settings><User Account>
The Linking Device is shipped with default user password. Under this menu item you can
change the settings of the user passwords. Due to the jobs the user executes in this web site
there are several graduations for admission control.
The following standard logins and password are available.
Login: administrator Password: fgadmin
Login: maintenance Password: keepitgoing
Login: operator Password: runit
Login: executive Password: showme
These passwords can be configured with administrator rights.
Fig 4.5-3 Change user accounts – new Passwords
The following rights are connected to the pointed out roles:
The administrator can
● configure network settings (address, default)
● set passwords
● set time settings
● set home page options
● restart applications
in addition to all the functions of the other roles listed below.
The maintenance, executive and operator can just monitor the process values (point
pages) and the diagnostic. They have not access to all configuration sides.