
Softing Linking Device
Manual for Configuration, Installation and Maintenance
FF-CONF Configure your plant
V1.31 page 53 of 85
Fig 5.2-2 Hide the units below with a double-click
Fig 5.2-3 Another double-click shows the hidden units
5.2.5 Using the context menu
Nearly all objects contain a context menu that allows you to do some of the steps to pattern
your Network Configuration or your Function Block Application. Examples are copy objects,
add and delete objects, the assign in the commissioning or set special parameters like in the
H1 Link.
Fig 5.2-4 For example the context menu of the H1 Link
5.3 Start FF-CONF
After correct installation you can start the program by clicking on
Start/Programe.c..\Softing\FF-CONF\bin\FF-CONF.exe on your PC.
Fig 5.3-1Start FF-CONF Start Screen