Emerson FG-110 Computer Accessories User Manual

Softing Linking Device
Manual for Configuration, Installation and Maintenance
page 84 of 85 V1.3
k) To circuits of Zone 2 only such equipment may be connected that is suitable for operation in this
zone and has been certified accordingly (suitable documents have been provided).
l) The devices have to be protected from UV light exposure.
m) The device has to be connected at low inductance with the PE of the system.
n) Spare parts are ordered as complete units giving the material number stated on the device
(marking, type label).
o) Do not put stress on the system by bending or torsion.
p) Inside the potentially explosive atmospheres assembly shall only be performed taking the locally
applicable rules of erection into account. The following hints have to be observed (incomplete):
(1) Assembly and maintenance to be done only of atmosphere is Ex-free and a hot work permit is
in place;
(2) Additional precautions have to be taken if the presence of hydrosulphide, ethylene oxide
and/or carbon monoxide is to be expected: those substances are of a very low ignition energy;
(3) Where these substances are present and where any substance of explosion group IIC is
present, and where yet a potentially explosive atmosphere is expected to be present, only
non-sparking tools shall be used!
9.6 Use
The linking device is only approved for intended and appropriate use. In case of non-compliance, the
warranty and manufacturer’s liability do no longer apply!
a) Only such auxiliary components may be used in potentially explosive atmospheres which meet all
requirements of European and national directives and legislation.
b) The environmental conditions specified in the manual have to be followed strictly.
c) The linking device is not to be used in systems where cathodic systems for corrosion protection
are in place. Although special precautions may make that possible (additional earthing bridges),
the manufacturer has to be consulted in each case.
d) The operator has to provide measures for protection against lightning.
e) The maximum surface temperatures depend on the circumstances of installing the equipment, and
the customer or operator is responsible for those. During intended operation no temperature
increases of > 20 K are to be reached at the outside parts of the enclosure. Thus temperature T4
is maintained.
f) All outside parts are made from suitable low-sparking materials. Nevertheless, the operator has to
inspect any ignition hazards that may be caused by sparks when operating the entire machine.
Parts containing light metal alloys have to be installed in a way that they are protected against
external impact.
g) In explosion group IIC and Zone 1 no projected plastic surfaces > 20 cm³ are allowed; in IIB or
dust-Ex, 100 cm² may be reached.
h) Dust settlements have to be removed regularly.
i) The company installing the device has to ensure that the transient characteristic is limited to 40%
above the service voltage.
j) Icing is not permitted!
9.7 Maintenance and repair
Definition of terms according to IEC 60079-17:
Maintenance: defines a combination of any actions carried out to retain an item in, or restore it to,
conditions in which it is able to meet the requirements of the relevant specification and perform its
required functions.
Inspection: defines any action comprising careful scrutiny of an item carried out either without
dismantling, or with the addition of partial dismantling as required, supplemented by means such as
measurement, in order to arrive at reliable conclusion as to the condition of an item.
Visual inspection: defines an inspection which identifies, without the use of access equipment and
tools, those defects, such as missing bolts, which will be apparent to the eye.