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NGA 2000
90003482(2) [NGA-e (MLT-Software 3.2.X)] 07/98
Change to the line you want with the -key or the -key.
Select the tag of the reference channel with the 88 -key or the -key:
The display will go back to the menu "Differential Measurement" automatically. You
can see the channel selected in the line "Source channel".
3) Status determination of the reference channel:
Change to the line "Source concentration" with the -key or the -key and press the
88 -key or the -key to select the parameter. Adjust the parameter with the -key or
the -key and confirm it with the 88 -key.
Use actual value:
The reference value to calculate the difference concentration will always be the
current value of the reference channel.
Use stored value:
The reference value to calculate the difference concentration will be fixed during the
whole differential measurement.
4) Give up reference gas to the reference channel:
You have to give up a defined concentration of the measurement gas to the reference
channel to determine the reference value.
If the reference signal is stable, you have to change to the line "Store source con-
centration !" with the -key or the -key. Press the 88 -key or the -key to start this
function. If asked, confirm with the F2 key (Yes) or cancel and go back to the menu
page with the F4 key (Back...) or the -key:
The current signal will be fixed for the differential measurement.
5) Give up measurement gas to the measurement channel:
You have to give up the measurement gas to the measurement channel while the
reference signal is stable to measure the differential concentration.
6) Enable the differential measurement:
Press the 88 -key or the -key in the line "Function is" and adjust "Enabled" with the
-key or the -key. Confirm it with the 88 -key:
The differential measurement will start and the differential concentration will be
Measure Back...
F1 F2 F3 F4 F5
95.00 ppm
-- Channels --