90003482(2) [NGA-e (MLT-Software 3.2.X)] 07/98
NGA 2000
6 - 1
If you press the 88 -key or the →→ -key in the line "System configuration and diagnostics..."
of the "Main Menu", you will change to the following display:
From the menu "System configuration" you can change to several submenus to set up the
system parameters of the platform or of the MLT analyzer. Besides you can set up or
control the software and hardware configuration of the control module or the analyzer
In the following table you will find a short overview about the contents of the menus and
where you will find their description in this manual:
Menu Important Contents Section/Page
System calibration...
⇒ Calibration of all analyzer modules in a
common process
∗ See
Diagnostic menus...
⇒ Error messages of the control module
and analyzer modules' software
∗ 6.1 / p. 3 to 5
Date and time
⇒ Date and time setup of the control
module (platform or MLT analyzer)
∗ 6.2 / p. 6
Security codes...
⇒ Setup of security codes for the different
operating levels
∗ 6.3 / p. 7, 8
Network module binding...
⇒ Binding of analyzer modules with micro
processor controlled I/O modules, which
are connected with the platform
∗ 6.4 / p. 9, 10
System Reset...
⇒ System reset of the control module and
re-initializing of the network
∗ 6.5 / p. 11
System modules...
⇒ Overview of all modules connected to
the control module
(platform or MLT analyzer)
∗ 6.6 / p. 12
Measure Channel Back...
F1 F2 F3 F4 F5
37.50 ppm
-- System Configuration --
System calibration...
Date and time...
Security codes...
Network module binding...
System Reset...
System modules...
System tag: Fisher-Rosemount
Diagnostic menus...
6 System Configuration and Diagnostics