6 - 12
NGA 2000
90003482(2) [NGA-e (MLT-Software 3.2.X)] 07/98
Main Menu — System configuration and diagnostics
System modules
In the menu "Modules known by the Control Module" you will find the tags of all modules
combined with the platform or the MLT analyzer. If there are more than eight modules
available, you can change to another menu page with the F5 key (>>>).
Set up:
♦ Go to the line you want with the ↑↑ -key or the ↓↓ -key.
♦ Select the tag of the module with the 88 -key or the →→ -key:
• The display will change automatically to the menu "Analyzer Module Calibration"
(see 4.4 p. 4-37 or 5.1.1 p. 5-13 to 5-15) of the corresponding channel.
• Then, all menus of the module selected will be available.
Measure Back...
F1 F2 F3 F4 F5
95.00 ppm
-- Modules known by the Control Module --
6.6 System Modules