3 - 4
NGA 2000
90003482(2) [NGA-e (MLT-Software 3.2.X)] 07/98
3.5 Important Functions of the Softkeys
♦ Change from the single component display to the multi component display.
♦ F1 in the single component display.
♦ Change from all menus and submenus to the single component display of the channel
♦ F1.
Status (see section 4.1 p. 4-3!)
♦ Change to the menu "Analyzer Channel Status":
Display of the most important parameters and information about the status of the
current channel or module.
♦ If available: F2.
Main (see section 3.8 p. 3-7!)
♦ Change from the single component display to the main menu.
♦ F3 in the single component display.
♦ Scrolling through the channels in the same menu. In the main menu and the single
component display you can move among all channels of the connected analyzers and
analyzer modules. In the submenus you can only move among the channels of the
current analyzer or analyzer modules.
♦ If available: F3 (F4 in the single component display).
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F1 F2 F3 F4 F5
37.50 ppm
-- Calibration Procedure Status --
Procedure status: Ready
Current/expected gas flow: Samplegas
Concentration in span gas units: 37.50 ppm
Last zero calibration: Success
Last span calibration: Success
Last span calibration was: Fri 05-29-1998 13:37:23
Successful zero+span calibrated ranges: 1+2+3+4
Remaining procedure time: 0 s
Last zero calibration was: Fri 05-29-1998 13:32:06
---------------------- Results ----------------------
Text Line
Menu Softkeys
Function Softkey