Epson Epson Laptop User Manual

Characters on
the screen are
distorted or
Make sure the brightness and contrast controls are
properly adjusted.
Make sure the video signal and power cables are
properly installed.
Characters do
not appear on
Make sure the monitor is plugged in and turned on.
Check that the brightness and contrast controls are
properly adjusted.
Check that the video signal cable is properly
If you installed a video expansion board, make sure it
is installed, enabled, and jumpered correctly.
Reboot the system.
If system settings stored in CMOS RAM change for no
settings are wrong
apparent reason (for example, the time of day
develops an error), the backup buttery may no
longer have enough power to maintain the settings.
Diskette drive Make sure the power and signal cables for the drive
access light does are properly installed.
not go on when a
diskette drive is in
Check that the drive is properly configured and
use or is tested by
enabled in Setup.
the self test
Hard disk drive Make sure the power and signal cables for the drive
access light does are properly installed.
not go on when a
hard disk drive is
Make sure the front panel connector is securely
in use or is tested
attached to the main system board headers.
by the self test
Check that the drive is properly configured and
enabled in Setup.
Check the drive manufacturer’s manual for proper
configuration for remote hard disk drive activity.