Epson Epson Laptop User Manual

The Mach32 driver normally uses an optimized dither
(combining two or more colors to produce the illusion of a
third color) when running in 16 and 256 color modes. However,
this may result in some unusual colors. When you use 256 color
mode with the 256 Color Palette set to
On, you can set the
dithering to VGA Standard. This is a slower mode but it
should result in more natural colors.
Installing the Adapter lnterface
There are two categories of software drivers that support the
IBM 85141 A graphics adapter: Direct-to-register (those which
write directly to the 85141 A registers) and Adapter Interface
(those which access the 85141 A through the Adapter Interface
or AI).
A direct-to-register driver writes directly to the registers of the
85141 A. Examples of such programs are: Microsoft Windows,
OS/ 2 Presentation Manager, and AutoCAD. If you followed
the driver installation instructions in this chapter, these
programs will run without any further steps.
However, many programs access the graphics controller
(8514/A) using a software interface called the 8514-AI
(Adapter Interface). Examples of such programs are: Lotus@
and Turbo-Pascal
for MS-DOS. Most
MS-DOS-based programs use the AI approach, eliminating the
need for separate graphics drivers for each application. Contact
your application program vendor for information on AI
support modes.
Using the Video Utilities