Fujitsu 690TX Laptop User Manual

S e c t i o n F i v e
The sys t em powers up, and displays the power on 1. The boot sequence settings of the setup utility 1. Set the operating source by pressing the Esc
information, but fails to load operating system. are not compatible with your configuration. key while the Fujitsu logo is on screen or use
the F2 key and enter the setup utility and
adjust the source settings from the Boot
menu on page 95.
2. You have a secured system requiring a 2.
Ma ke su re you have the ri ght password . E n ter
password to load your operating system. the setup utility and verify the Security
settings and modify them as appropriate.
(See Security Menu on pages 81-85.)
3. Internal hard drive was not detected. 3. Use the BIOS setup utility Main menu,
Primary Adapter submenu to try to auto
detect the internal hard drive.
An error message is displayed on the screen 1. Power On Self Test (POST) has detected 1. See the Power On Self Test (POST) Messages
during the notebook turn on (boot) sequence. a problem. (pages 140-142) to determine the meaning
and severity of the problem. Not all messages
are errors;some are simply status indicators.
Your notebook appears to change setup 1. BIOS setup changes were not saved when you 1. Make sure you select Save Changes And Exit.
parameters when you start it. made them and exited the BIOS setup utility when exiting the BIOS setup utility.
thus returning to previous settings.
2. The BIOS CMOS hold-up battery has failed. 2. Contact your support representative for
repairs. This is not a user serviceable part
but has a normal life of 3 to 5 years.
Symptom Possible Cause Possible Solution