
U s i n g Y o u r L i f e B o o k 6 0 0 S e r i e s
Life Bo ok 6 00 Se ries f rom F uj it su
CD-ROM Access Indicator
The CD-ROM access indicator tells you the
CD-ROM drive is being accessed. The CD-ROM
drive Access indicator will flash when the soft-
ware tries to access an audio CD or a CD-ROM
even if no drive is installed.
To disable the CD automatic insertion function
do as follows:
1. Save all data and close all applications.
2. Click on the Start button.
3. Point to S e t t i n g s .
4. Click on the Control Panel.
The control panel window will be displayed.
5. Double click on the S y s t e m icon.
The system properties dialogue box will
be displayed.
6. Click on the Device Manager tab.
The device list will be displayed.
7. Click on the + to the left of the CD-ROM
icon. The CD-ROM drive manufacturer’s
name and model will be displayed.
8. Click on the CD-ROM drive manufacturer’s
name and model.
9. Click on Properties. The CD-ROM
drive manufacturer’s name and model prop-
erties dialogue box will be displayed.
Figure 2-4 Battery Level Indicator
The Windows 95 CD automatic insert i o n
function will periodically check for a disk
installed in the drive, causing the CD-ROM
Access indicator to fla s h . The CD automatic
i n s e rtion function allows your system to
automatically start a disk as soon as it is
i n s e rted in the drive and the tray is closed.
It will begin playing an audio CD or will
s t a rt an application if the disk has an auto
run file on it.
If you do not wish to have the CD
automatic insertion function active you
can disable it.
76% – 100%
51% – 75%
26% – 50%
13% – 25%
Low Battery Warning
Dead Battery
Shorted Battery