
S e t t i n g U p Y o u r L i f e B o o k 6 0 0 S e r i e s
Li feBo ok 6 0 0 Series from F ujit su
Conditions of Use
The first time you start your notebook you
must confirm your acceptance of the copyright
limitations for your pre-installed software. After
you complete the Condition of Use process
these screens will not appear again. There are
six (6) screens to read carefully and respond to.
You cannot use your notebook until this
Condition of Use process is completed. The
bottom of each screen has a <Back button,
a Next> button and a Cancel button
which are activated by clicking the integrated
TouchPad pointing device button with the
cursor on the screen button. The <Back
button will return you to the previous screen.
The Next> button activates any choices or
information you have entered and takes you
on to the next screen. The Cancel button
allows you to stop the setup process.
If you stop the process before the setup is
complete your notebook will startup at the
beginning of the Windows 95 Setup Wizard.
The screens you will be required to respond
to are described with the required action.
User Information
Fill in your name and your company name
as you want them to appear on the software
license. To step from the name blank to the
company blank press the Tab key. When the
information has been entered click on the
Next> button. You will not be allowed to
continue until you make an entry.
License Agreement
Read the agreement carefully. You can scroll
through the text using the integrated touchpad,
the pointing device on the scroll bar, the up
arrow and down arrow keys to move up
and down the text one line at a time, or use the
Page Up and Page Down keys to move the text
one screen at a time. When you finish reading
you must point and click to accept or reject the
terms of the agreement and then click on the
Next> button.
If you reject the terms of the license
agreement you will be asked to review
the license agreement for information on
returning Windows 95 or to shut down
your notebook.