Furuno FELCOM500 Postal Equipment User Manual

5.4 Contacts
Like the handset, you can add, edit and delete contacts from Web software. Use the
Web software to save contacts to the Communication Unit or SIM card.
5.4.1 How to save to the Contact list
Save a contact name and number to the Contacts list as follows:
1. Click [Contacts] in the menu bar. The Contacts screen is displayed as shown be-
low. It takes approx. two minutes after powering on to display the list.
2. Click the [Add contact] button. The new contact screen is displayed as shown:
3. Input the name of the contact in the [Name] field.
Input in alphanumeric characters, or symbols (except ^, {, }, [, ] ~, |, and \). The
character limit depends on the type of media storage used. When you save a con-
tact (at step 5) the number of characters that you can input is shown with “MAX: *.*
4. Input the phone number in the [Number] field (Maximum 20 characters). Only
numbers and the characters (#, *, and +) are allowed.
5. Select where to save the address in the [Stored] field (CmmUnt: Communication
unit, SIM: SIM card.
Media Maximum savable address count
Communication Unit 150 addresses
SIM card Different with SIM card type
SIM: SIM card
CmmUnt: Communication unit
Total: SIM card + Communication unit
Contact count / Maximum contact count