Mitsubishi Electronics QSPCU Personal Computer User Manual

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This manual is prepared for users to understand the hardware specifications of those
modules such as the CPU modules, power supply modules, and base units, maintenance
and inspections of the system, and troubleshooting required when you use QS series
programmable controllers.
The manual is classified roughly into three sections as shown below.
This manual does not explain the functions of the CPU module.
For these functions, refer to the manual shown below.
QSCPU User's Manual (Function Explanation, Program Fundamentals)
1) Chapters 1 and 2 Describe the outline of the CPU module and the system
The basics of the system configuration of CPU module are
2) Chapters 3 to 7 Describe the general specifications indicating the operating
environments of the CPU module, power supply module, and base
units, and the performance specifications of these modules.
3) Chapters 8 to 12 Describe the overall maintenance such as the installation of the
CPU module, daily inspections, and troubleshooting.