Mitsubishi Electronics QSPCU Personal Computer User Manual

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When a safety remote I/O module has detected a CC-Link Safety error, it
turns off all the outputs.
Note that the outputs in a sequence program are not automatically
turned off.
If a CC-Link Safety or CC-Link IE Field Network error has been detected,
create a sequence program that turns off the outputs in the program.
If the CC-Link Safety or CC-Link IE Field Network is restored with the
outputs on, it may suddenly operate and result in an accident.
To inhibit restart without manual operation after safety functions was
performed and outputs were turned OFF, create an interlock program
which uses a reset button for restart.
Do not install the wires of external devices or communication cables
together with the main circuit lines or power cables. Keep a distance of
100mm (3.94 inch) or more between them.
Failure to do so may result in malfunction due to noise.