130 MicroMAX System User Manual Version 6.C
Temperature Control
Setting Mechanism: Temperature is set by the application software.
Display: The actual tem
perature can be displayed at the computer by the application
Range: At 25
° ambient, the MicroMAX camera will typically lock to:
• -15°
C with passive cooling and with the camera under vacuum.
• -30°
C with the accessory fan installed and under vacuum.
Time to Lock: At 25
° ambient, <10 minutes (typical) to temperature lock at -15° C
Control Precision: ±0.050
°C over entire temperature range
Passive: CCD array cooled by Peltier device. Heat is radiated away by cooling fins on
body of the round head camera.
Supplemental Air Cooling: The rectangular head cam
era has an internal fan that
draws air in from the vents in the camera shell, circulates it past the internal cooling fins,
and then exhausts the warmed air back into the atmosphere.
Camera: There are four ¼″ x 20 UNC 3/8″ deep threaded holes on the body of the
camera to facilitate mounting.
Lens: Cam
era will accept either “C-mount” (threaded) or “F-mount” (bayonet) lenses,
according to the mount specified at time of order.
Microscope: Adapters are available for mounting to m
ost research microscopes. See
Chapter 4 for more information.