Chapter 5 Operation 49
• Controller version: 4 or higher
• Camera type:
Select array installed in your camera.
MicroMAX:512FT = EEV 512×512 FT C
MicroMAX:512BFT = EEV 512×512 FT C
MicroMAX:782Y = PID 582×782
MicroMAX:782YHS = PID 582×782
MicroMAX:1024 = EEV 1024×1024 C
MicroMAX:1024B = EEV 1024×1024 C
MicroMAX:1024FT = EEV 1024×1024 C
MicroMAX:1024BFT = EEV 1024×1024 C
MicroMAX:1300Y = PID 1030×
MicroMAX:1300YHS = PID 1030×
MicroMAX:1300YHS-DIF = PID 1030×
• Shutter type: None or Rem
• Readout mode: Full fram
e, Interline or DIF depending on array type.
Detector Temperature (Setup|Detector Temperature…): -15°
C for
round camera heads or -45°C for rectangular camera heads. The temperature
should drop steadily, reaching the set temperature in about ten minutes
(typical). At that point the green Temp Lock LED on the rear of the ST-133
will light and there will be a locked indication at the computer monitor,
indicating that temperature lock has been established. Note that some
overshoot may occur. This could cause temperature lock to be briefly lost
and then quickly re-established. If you are reading the actual temperature
reported by the application software, there may be a small difference between
the set and reported temperature when lock is established. This is normal and
does not indicate a system malfunction. Once lock is established, the
temperature will be stable to within ±0.05°C.
Note: If you are using the USB 2.0 interface, the Detector Temperature dialog
box will not display temperature information while you are acquiring data.
Interface tab page (Setup|Hardware): High Speed PCI (or PCI(Timer))
Note: This tab page is not available if you are using the USB 2.0 interface.
Cleans and Skips tab page (Setup|Hardware): Default
Experiment Setup Main tab page (Acquisition|Experiment Setup…):
• Exposure Time: 100 m
• Accumulations & Number of Images:
Experiment Setup ROI tab page (Acquisition|Experiment Setup…):
Use this function to define the region of interest (ROI).
• Imaging Mode: Selected if y
ou are using WinSpec/32.
• Clicking on Full loads the full size of the chip into the edit boxes.
• Clicking on Store will store the Pattern so it can be reused at another