Raritan Computer Paragon switch Switch User Manual

User Customization
The User Profile Menu displays Paragon configuration and allows for setting or changing preferred
operating parameters. Press <F4> while viewing the OSUI to bring up the User Profile Menu.
Activate the OSUI by rapidly hitting the default
Hot Key activator (the <Scroll Lock> key) twice.
User Profile
Connected: UMT8 Switch HWII
User: Susan User Port: 1
Admin: No
Group: 45
Scan Mode: Global
Global Scan Rate: 03 Seconds
ID Display: On 03 Seconds
Green Mode:
Display Position:
Previous Channel Key:
Off 05 Minutes
Scroll Lock
Menu ID
Help: Single Line LocalPC: Off
….. Scrolling Messages Banner…..
ScrlLock | Scan | Skip | NCSL
Figure 40 User Profile Menu
User Profile Menu Fields:
Connected field displays name and Channel ID number of selected device or computer, if
user is currently connected to a channel.
User field displays user name entered at login.
User Port field displays Paragon switch user port to which user is connected.
Admin field displays user’s administrator privileges, if any.
Group field displays user’s group ID(s).
1. Press the <Ç> and <È> or <Page Up> and <Page Down> keys to highlight a channel for a
device or computer and press <Enter> to select.
2. Please refer to the section “User Profile Menu Options” that follows for instructions on
interpreting and editing the menu components.
3. When editing is complete, press <Enter> - the highlight will turn yellow.
4. Press <S> to save changes, or <Esc> to cancel changes.