Serial (RS-232) Controls and Operation
144 AX3500 Motor Controller User’s Manual Version 1.9b. June 1, 2007
applied to the motors at that time. The number is a hexadecimal number ranging from 0 to
+127 (0 to 7F in Hexadecimal). In most cases, this value is directly related to the command
value, except in the conditions described in the notes below.
Syntax: ?v or ?V
Reply: nn
Where: nn = motor 1 applied power value
mm = motor 2 applied power value
The applied power value that is read back from the controller can be different than the com-
mand values for any of the following reasons: current limitation is active, motors operate at
reduced speed after overheat detection, or mixed mode is currently active.
No forward or reverse direction information is returned by this query. This query is most
useful for providing feedback to a microcontroller commanding the controller.
Query Amps from Battery to each Motor Channel
This query will cause the controller to return the actual number of Amps flowing from the
battery to power each motor. The number is an unsigned Hexadecimal number ranging
from 0 to 256 (0 to FF in Hexadecimal).
Syntax: ?a or ?A
Reply: nn
Where: nn = motor 1 Amps
mm = motor 2 Amps
The Amps measurement has an approximately 10% precision. Its main purpose is to pro-
vide feedback to the controller’s current limitation circuitry.
Important Notice
The current flowing in the motor can be higher than the battery flowing out of the battery.
See “Battery Current vs. Motor Current” on page 45.
Important Notice
On the AX3500, the number returned by the ?a command must be divided by two to
obtain the actual Amps value